Special offers

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Special price with promo code GUEST


Rest wisely vol. 1
OKOK Laisure Centre Darts game 1h is FREE for Pärnu Hotel guests!

OKOK Laisure Center
Lai 18, Pärnu
Tel: +372 4420 410

Book suitable time:
Mo-Fr 12.00 – 23.00
Sa 10.00-23.00
Su 10.00-22.00

Book darts *

*Add “Pärnu Hotell” to comments

NB! The offer is valid upon booking directly or through the website.
One REST WISELY offer per booking (OKOK or museum)


Rest wisely vol. 2
Passes to the museum permanent exhibition is FREE for Pärnu Hotel guests!

Visit Pärnu Museum:
Th – Su
10:00 – 18:00

NB! The offer is valid upon booking directly or through the website.
One REST WISELY offer per booking (OKOK or museum)


Private saun with jacuzzi only 70€/2h

Book a suitable time: +3724478911/reception@hotelparnu.com

  • The special price is valid for up to 4 people
  • Please make sauna reservations at least 48 hours before the desired time
  • Please order snacks from the sauna menu 48 hours in advance
  • The sauna can be rented daily from 12:00 to 22:00

If you want to spend your time pleasantly and safely and stimulate your health, then the private sauna in Pärnu Hotel is the best place to come!

Book sauna

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